September 27, 2023
Yearbook/Fall pictures will be taken on October 26th. Order forms will be sent home before Fall Break. Every student will have a yearbook picture taken even if no packages are o...

September 27, 2023
Our first event for Student Council went great. It was fun and very successful. Our next event will be "Donuts with Grown Ups", we will have donuts for all students and one adul...
June 2, 2023
- To enroll your student, go to ok.wengage.com/darlington
- If you already have a username and password, sign in and choose "Student Records Portal". Then follo...
April 28, 2023
I’ve made a lot of memories and friends at Darlington and I will miss all of the wonderful and welcoming teachers. This school has given me an opportunity to try sports and get a ...

January 13, 2023
Homecoming is January 27, 2023 in the Darlington Gym. It will begin at 6:30pm. Homecoming Dance will follow from 7:30pm-10:00pm. The admission charge is $2.00. The dance is ...

January 11, 2023
Today is the first day of our Art Classes being taught by the Canadian County 4H extension staff. Our students are excited and eager to learn!

December 15, 2022
ELFLANDIA! Will be performed TOMORROW evening @ 6pm! El Reno High School Auditorium. Doors will open at 5:30pm

December 14, 2022
Christmas Program Practice is tonight -4-6pm at the EHS Auditorium
December 9, 2022
Friday, December 16th will be the last day of school before Christmas Break. This means the whole school is going to the movies. All classes will eat lunch early and then head t...

November 29, 2022
Christmas Program is Dec 15th 6pm at the EHS Auditorium - all students are asked to participate and wear either a red or green shirt/dress. Please arrive at the auditorium no lat...